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The weather is usually pretty mild here, even in December. On the 22nd I was out in a sweatshirt and jeans. Typical weather and clothing but then the cold snap came and it came with furry.

We live in a valley and the wind can blow but this time the wind howled. The temperature abruptly dropped from 43 degrees to 3 with a windchill of -11 in a very short amount of time. The windows completely froze over. The weather was dangerous and all we could think about were the animals.

Not only for their staying warm enough but their sources of water. Some ponds seemed to freeze over instantly. This flash freeze caused a potential hazard. Cattle trying to get to water found themselves stuck.

I am learning that part of this lifestyle is hard. It is hard in a lot of ways, even emotionally. I’m happy to say that this guy made it. My husband got out on the ice to get him. And fuzzy Stormy got into his loafing shed to stay out of the wind. Is it too soon to be ready for spring? Just looked and as of this moment it is 80 days 6 hours and 17 minutes until spring. But who’s counting?

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